Our next big creative endeavour is our queer community quilt callout, read more and come take part in something great!

//  About! //


As part of our current queer strand at Crescent Arts, we want to get our community involved in our upcoming community quilt call-out. The quilt will be a contemporary representation of being LGBTQI+ in 21st-century Scarborough and will be a part of an upcoming queer exhibition!

Quilts have always been political and have a long history of being a part of radical social politics and protests.

// The Theme! //


Queer & Coastal! 

What do you feel about being queer in Scarborough? What part of our Scarboroian world do you relate to? Do you have any memories in specific places in Scarborough that relate to your queer identity? Does the sea inspire you? The theme is entirely open, and we want you to be as abstract or literal as possible! We really don’t mind what design you put on your square, as long as it’s respectful and represents you!

// Important stuff //


Your quilt needs to be 20cm squared in order for the quilt to be consistent. Click here to download a template!  If your quilt patch is under or over 20cm squared, we might not be able to include your patch in our quilt! Quilted squares should be sewn at the edges to avoid fraying, enabling us to sew them together easily.

When you have finished your patch, send it to:

‘Crescent Arts, Woodend Creative Centre, Scarborough, North Yorkshire, YO11 2PW’ with your name!


Deadline: Friday 14th July 2023


We really hope you’d want to be involved in this project! We will also host queer Infoshop workshops for you to come to create textile squares with us! If you have any questions about the project, the queer infoshop or Crescent Arts in general feel free to email us at Joel@crescentarts.co.uk