(FREE EVENT) Creative Weaving for our Sustainable Sensory room

Creative weaving is for EVERYONE, ALL AGES and ALL ABILITIES. There is a freedom from traditional weaving rules, and you are encouraged to experiment and play with your weaving. There are NO mistakes! See what we got up to on June 20th and 21st with artist and weaver Ruth Sprague.

When; Tuesday 22nd August and Wednesday 23rd, 10am-3pm

Where; Woodend Gallery, Scarborough, YO112PW


Join textile artist Ruth Sprague for a drop in creative weaving session in Woodend gallery. We will be learning how to weave, experimenting and sharing ideas as we weave fabric that will be used in our sustainable sensory room this September. As we are keeping the fabric we create for future projects this session is FREE to attend-we are excited to see what we can create as a community!

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This is an open session and there is no need to book!


The venue is wheelchair accessible, with an accessible bathroom and changing facilities. For more information about the venue head to the Scarborough Museums and Galleries: Woodend website:https://scarboroughmuseumsandgalleries.org.uk/visit/woodend-gallery-and-studios/

Download our accessible document about the space: https://bit.ly/3OlFuqE

Email Hannah with any further questions: Hannah@crescentarts.co.uk

Covid Updates:

Masks are still recommended to wear unless exempt, social distancing and regular hand sanitizing are both still strongly advised. For more information view our full Covid update here.


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Woodend Gallery, The Crescent, Scarborough, YO11 2PW